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A belated HappyHolidays/Happy New Year!

I guess I should update again. 😛 Also a belated Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

Holidays, Christmas in my family’s case were fine. More low key even than usual since my sister had the flu and she was staying home. We did have her dog she had dropped off before work like a week before though. ðŸķ Sister was able to spend New Years, not that we ever do much for that either.

Right now not a lot going on. Just the usual boring stuff. Right now feeling very tired. I’d love a nap, but can’t.

Meh not really much of an update I guess, but felt I should post something. 😛

Posted on January 15th, 2023 in Family, Health, Holidays, Offline, Pets by Megan. 30 Comments

Yes, I’m alive!

Whoa, I haven’t updated in ages! ðŸ˜ē Oops. ðŸĪŠ

Honestly I haven’t been super active online. Been tired, lazy, and not real motivated. ðŸ˜Đ

Also Happy Halloween! 🎃 Not doing anything myself. Not dressing up either. Usually just do that when I work on Halloween which I’m not this year. I’ll dress up the dogs though.

I guess I should give an update about the health issues I mentioned in the last post. Quite a bit to report there actually.

Well for one I ended up wearing a catheter for about a week which was horrible. It hurt so much. They claimed I would be able to work with it on but no way that I could, so I was off the whole week. Funny enough then the second since I had put in for a week off before all this. ðŸĪŠ

Had a bunch of tests done. It seems the issue mostly is my kidneys. Both are working at around 50% and are rather swollen. And apparently the tube that connects to the bladder or whatever is thicker then it should be. That explains the bad side pains I get and probably the constripation since it likely puts pressure on everything. Also get pain in the groin. The doctor said surgery wouldn’t help much since its both kidneys. So he put me on a medication that helps my bladder hold more. On that and one that helps me go pee better. That one used to stuff up my nose badly but I guess my body got used to it. The newer one is annoying since it makes my mouth super dry. However, it does seem to help since the pain isn’t as bad, but that could be also due to the Tylenol I take daily. I switched to that from generic aspirin. Seems to help more. I still get a lot of pain, but not nearly as bad as before. Also not peeing as often and seem to be going better. So, I guess its helping. The worst is at work since I can’t always go when I need to and it hurts if I hold it. Half the time lately I just go anyway. 😛

Other then that not much going on. Been mostly lazy and playing a lot of games. Working on CrossCode’s DLC right now. Oh I also did get a Switch OLED which is pretty awesome. Also managed to snag a Playstation 5 from Playstation.com. Its pretty cool too.

Anyway, that’s all for now. Hopefully I don’t take months to update again. 😅

Posted on October 31st, 2021 in Games, Health, Holidays, Offline by Megan. 16 Comments

Updates and a new year

Its been a while since I’ve last written.

Been back at work a while since I injured it. Its all healed up. I finally don’t need to wear a bandage at work. It finally can take heat again. It healed pretty well. Just very light scaring. Sometimes it darkens up, but its still not too bad. Definitely not as bad as I figured.

Christmas was good. Got lots of nice stuff though my favorites were some plushies I got. One is a monster that has a saying about being brave. I’ve found it super helpful with my anxiety and worries. New Years was decent, not that we’ve ever done much to celebrate.

As for this new year. So far…not horrible, but not great. Honestly I don’t have high expectations for it. I typically do write goals either here or on my forum for myself (like somewhere), but I haven’t bothered. Though perhaps I should, since it might give me more…of a focus for the year. So, I’ll do that now:

Goals for 2021

That’s about it for that I guess. Not sure if its helpful to write this stuff or not, but I guess what’s the harm? I can just ignore it if I don’t find it helpful I suppose. I guess that’s all for now.

Posted on January 10th, 2021 in Health, Holidays, Offline by Megan. 14 Comments
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Name: Megan
Nicknames: Maroon and Maroon Caludin
Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 25th
Age: 38
Occupation: McDonalds employee
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, games, computers, role playing, web design, cartoons, comics, manga/anime, web comics, and animals Read More