Feeling off
I ended up spending the day resting today.
Well, I did go to work, but I suddenly felt sick. I felt kinda shaky, and light headed, and nauseous, and felt like I was going to throw up. Since we’re supposed to tell the mangers if we’re feeling sick, I did. I went home around 9 AM. I spent the day sleeping.
Later I felt a bit better, though still shaky. I don’t have a fever or anything. My mom thinks its the weather changing that bothered me. She said she felt like that the other day. Most likely is. Sometimes that stuff does tend to bother me.
Anyway, today my work was giving the crew chicken dinners. One for you and one for a family member. I originally was going to pick it up, but as I went home sick I didn’t go. My one manger called up asking why I didn’t. I kinda figured they’d figure I wouldn’t if I went home sick? But the owner offered to drop it off, which she did. And she asked how many people were in my house (4), and gave us two more. Was super nice. One thing I have to say about her is she does care about her workers. Throughout this whole Covid-19 she’s been giving us gift cards and slightly more pay.
The chicken was good though might have been too rich for me. Upsetted my tummy. Its not likely anything though. In reality I probably should call in, but I think I’m okay. Probably just allergies and stuff. Sometimes I do get it. And the weather’s been going back and forth. I’ll see how I feel.
Probably should just go to bed though. We’ll see.

Hope it’s nothing major. Sometimes the weather changing even if it’s for the better does that to me. Feel better x

Thanks. I’m feeling way better. I think it was probably the weather. BAD WEATHER! XD

That’s really sweet of the owner!
I hope you feel better soon! x


Hello! Blog hopping 😀
Hope you feel better soon!
Drink lots of water too!
Take care!


Yikes! I hope you are feeling better now. You know, your mom might be on to something. I don’t get this bad anymore but when we had huge weather changes (the kind that might give us a tornado) I would get so sick that I would throw up. Of course, there are all kinds of bugs still going around besides COVID but it is scary to get sick right now because it is like… Corona? Or no Corona?

Yeah, I often get like that. Not to the point of feeling like throwing up usually, mostly headaches and just feeling off. But feeling better. Apparently that was all it was!
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