Happy Thanksgiving, and burn updates!
First off, a Happy Thanksgiving! 😄 STAY SAFE!
We don’t do big gatherings anymore so the whole Covid-19 situation doesn’t affect it much for us. Its just me, my mom and dad, and sister. And the dogs. They want their dinner too! 🤣
And now updates on my injured paw (hand). 😜
I’ve been back to the doctor since for another follow up. They said it was healing good. I don’t need to keep it wrapped anymore, though she said I might want to when I’m not at home. I don’t have to use that cream anymore either. Just put Aquaphor on it to moisturize it. Also, I’m out of work another week. Oh darn. 🤣
But yeah, its doing good. Doesn’t really hurt anymore. Just itches a lot. And its peeling. Which to someone that likes to pick at stuff is sooo tempting. I’m trying to be good though. 😛
There was one blister that had puffed up before I went back to the doctor. It had a hole so I just put a tissue and got the liquid out. Well, my sister’s silly dog clawed it and ripped the skin there. Its only a small spot, but I guess I should put something on there to prevent any infection. It was an accident though. We had just come home from the doctor that day and she was so excited to see us that she was jumping up and clawing. She gets really upset when people leave. At least it wasn’t the bad area of the burn. 🙂
So yes, I’m doing a lot better. Probably will scare badly, but meh. Long as I have use of my hand I’m good. 🙂
Vacation plans and life
I decided I should actually post. Though at least it hasn’t been that long since my last post. 🤣
I’m doing okay. I mean work is pretty much the same. I have good days, and then days when I want to punch people. Mostly the last one. 😂
On the plus next week I’m on vacation. Looking forward to just having time off work. Not doing anything just gonna chill at home.
My sister thought of going to Lily Dale (which is basically a small town with mediums/psychics). We usually go every summer. Last year we didn’t go cause she had surgery on her hand. And this year there’s that whole Covid-19 mess. I don’t think she is. I wasn’t going to myself. I don’t think its smart to go somewhere where people travel to go. Not with this going on. However, you can get readings on the phone or on the computer. I’m thinking about getting one. Mostly curious if my brother would show up. I’ve had some good readings where interesting stuff pops up. Like how I have an Angel named Beth who watches over me. 😊 Its not for everyone. I used to be way more into this stuff but some of it makes me nervous, but I do still like some of it.
Did I ever mention the squirrel sized picnic table I got? I don’t think so. Anyway, I bought one off Amazon and some nuts for them. I’ve been feeding them and they’ve been coming. One time I didn’t put any out and one sat on it staring down the house. 🤣 And once when my sister was outside one yelled at her for getting too close to the nuts. 😆 Its really cool actually. 😀 To me their the ferrets of the trees. 😂
Well, I guess I gotta actually try to be somewhat productive. Later!
Why yes, I actually decided to update. 😜 I’m so terrible about this. 😂
Anyway, quite a bit happier then I was yesterday. Work was awful and I was just having a general bad day. Part of it is my own stupidness. I accidentally went two days without taking my anxiety/anti-depression meds. 😣 On top of that my lady friend is due. 🤪 So, awful, awful day. Oh yeah, and it also was the anniversary of my brother’s death. 😭 My mom and sister got balloons and hung them on his archy target. Sadly the rain kinda messed em up. So yeah, again, not a happy day.
But as I mentioned I had a much better day today. Just was feeling better. Maybe since my meds were back in my system. Plus had a nice talk with my mom last night. Also started trying out the Five Minute Journal again via the app. That felt really good. I tend to credit that the most. 😅
And in more better news I bought myself a new computer. A MacBook Air.
Mine was a bit old. Mostly I got it because I had just gotten my vacation check from work (like $620), and I decided to use it for that, which covered slightly more then half. Normally it would of been saved for my vacations (a week in July and another in August), however, with the Covid-19 we’re not doing anything so I decided to use it for that.
Really love it. The new features are great, and it runs way better. My dad got my old one for Father’s Day. He hates trying to figure out how to use it. 😂 Its his first Mac.
Anyway, that’s about it I guess.