Been somewhat busy lately. And lazy too! 😂
A few months (well more like maybe two at most) we got a treadmill. My mom’s doctor recommended one to her to strengthen her lungs, and I jumped right in saying I’d love one too. Eventually she finally did get one (I’m splitting the price of it with her!) Sadly when we got it when we plugged it in it wouldn’t turn on, so we had to wait for parts for it to be fixed. We waited over a month. It really was ridiculous. One day my mom decided to try plugging it in for the heck of it, and the damn thing turned on! 😦 So, yeah, it apparently works now. So at least we don’t gotta fight to get it repaired anymore.
Anyway, I’ve probably been using it the most. I use it most days for a half hour to an hour. I really love it. It feels great! 😁
Still working at Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix as well, though haven’t been playing a ton. Its hard to find the time sometimes and honestly if I turn it on I’m there for a while. 😅
Also been playing Sailor Moon Drops on and off. Honestly I’m pretty bored of it (have been for a while) but wanna get my fun in till it shuts down at the end of the month.
Also still working on a secret project for my forum. I will share it once I’m done probably. Its getting there though. 🙂
That’s about it really.

It’s great that you’re using your treadmill. If I had one, it’ll end up as a clothes rack. ;p

I have to keep at it to keep that from happening! XD I have a habit of if I stop stuff I don’t return to it for a while if at all.
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