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And…still snow

Guess I ain’t going to work tomorrow. 🤪

Still snowed in at my house. Have no one to plow us, though my dad is being stubborn bout looking. Snow blower is broke. Poor father is out there shoveling. Its too heavy a snow for that and he’s just being stubborn about it.

I texted the main manager telling her what was going on so she took me off for tomorrow. Hoping I’ll be able to go Tuesday. Don’t care to anger people. Not that I can help it. Honestly, a silly stupid part of me hoped they’d send someone to plow us or just pick me up. Yes, I am well aware that was very wishful thinking, but meh.

Actually is worse outside than I thought. I had to take some trash out and figured “Oh I can trudge over to the garbage cans.” Yeah, no way. 🤣 It was piled up so high and no where to really walk easily. So, tossed em on the bank next to the house near one of gardens and called it a day. 😜

On the plus now four day weekend! 😆

Sister’s dog is still stuck here too. She’s kinda sulky about it. Doesn’t understand and misses my sister.

Guess that’s it for now.

Posted on November 20th, 2022 in Animals, Family, Offline, Pets, Work by Megan. 0 Comments


Name: Megan
Nicknames: Maroon and Maroon Caludin
Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 25th
Age: 38
Occupation: McDonalds employee
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, games, computers, role playing, web design, cartoons, comics, manga/anime, web comics, and animals Read More