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The funeral

Well, today was the funeral. Before it we had a visitation for people to say good-bye and stuff.

We weren’t sure who would come and were hoping some people would come. We honestly had nothing to worry about. So many people came! The room was packed. Most of them were crying. I guess it shows how many people my brother touched. It’s nice.

My dad said something during the service. He did a great job. He got broken up a bit at the end, but finished! Go dad! The service was nice.

We had a bunch of flowers to take home, and er, my brother. He was cremated. My one cousins wife made a meal for us to take home which was super nice. It wasn’t bad either.

My poor mom was so broken up…so was my sister. My dad was too, but not as badly. I was too, but I don’t always show stuff like that too easily. It depends with me.

We don’t get them yet, but we’re getting three memorial necklaces of my brother’s thumbprint. We have to decide if we want something written on the back yet.

After the funeral we ate the food we were given and I took a nap while listening to The Doors (my brother’s favorite band which I’m growing fond of as well).

I still feel like just sleeping honestly. Its not entirely unusual for me. I get tired so easily.

I’m going to miss him so much. I really loved him…and I still do. I hope he’s in a happier place now.

Posted on June 29th, 2019 in Family, Offline by Megan. 4 Comments

Posted on July 6th, 2019, at 11:22 pm by Tiffany.

It’s always hard to say goodbye, but it always good when a funeral has no drama also.

Posted on July 15th, 2019, at 12:20 am by Megan.

Yeah, that’s true. Always nice when you don’t gotta deal with drama.

Posted on July 11th, 2019, at 5:14 pm by Kenny.

Omg, Meg. I just heard about your brother’s death. I am so sorry. =( I can’t imagine how you’re feeling right now. I am sure he’s in a happier place. <3 Many hugs from me. <3 <3 <3

Posted on July 15th, 2019, at 12:19 am by Megan.

Thanks, Kenny! My feelings tend to move around, but overall I’m doing okay. But thanks, it means a lot!


Name: Megan
Nicknames: Maroon and Maroon Caludin
Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 25th
Age: 38
Occupation: McDonalds employee
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, games, computers, role playing, web design, cartoons, comics, manga/anime, web comics, and animals Read More