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And life goes on and on

Once again it’s been a while. I just get lazy about updating here. Though would like to get better about it. I guess we’ll see. 😅

Anyway, stuff has mostly been the same.

I did get a small surgery done last week. Just some botox shots in the bladder. Pretty sure my kidney doctor pushed the urologist to move ahead with it since it wasn’t long after I saw him that they called and wanted to do this. I guess it’s supposed to help with bladder spasms, and so I don’t go as often and probably take pressure off the kidneys. I could have gotten it done in the office with a local, but went to the hospital so I could get put out. It went fine. I was just a bit sore after. Though I will say my kidneys have been bothering me more. Dunno if it’s related or not though. I may be going to the bathroom less though. Not sure yet. Though also sometimes gotta push it out more, and the flow is lighter. Again we’ll see how it goes.

Oh, I did forget almost. Did lose my last bird which was a parrotlet. I knew it was coming eventually. She had this huge growth on her rear, but she didn’t seem to mind it and stuff. We still have birds, but she was my last. Obviously it’s sad. Though I am gonna get another bird sometime.

Lately been watching Gravity Falls. Probably somewhat brought on by the new “Book of Bill” coming out. Which I have. I haven’t read it yet since I’m reading something else now, but have paged through it. It’s quite freaky and weird. Anyway, been meaning to watch the blu-ray set I’ve had. Just never got to it. On the last disc of season 1.

And this next week I’ll be off from work. I know one of the days we’ll be going to Lily Dale. And by we I mean me, my mom, and sister. My dad I’m pretty sure hasn’t ever gone. We’re all getting readings. Curious to see if my late brother will show up. We used to go every summer, but stopped like 5 or so years ago when my mom’s health started to get bad, and stuff just kept coming up. My mom wants to try to go though. We’ll just have to make sure we take it slow and stuff. I’m excited and a bit nervous about it for various reasons.

Well, I guess that’s all the major stuff. Till next time!

Posted on August 7th, 2024 in Misc by Megan. 7 Comments

Ask me stuff: Answers!

I always mean to write sooner then I do. 😅 Originally I was going to do a post about Christmas and New Years, but a lot of time has passed, so I’ll skip that. Instead just onto the questions people asked. (Next time I should do post for questions and then answers, oh well).

Pauline: Did you do anything nice over Christmas?

Answer: I didn’t do anything super major. Just had it at home with the family. We exchanged gifts and opened ones from ‘Santa.’

Michelle: What was your defining moment in the closing decade? Any things you wish going forward into the new 2020?

Answer: Honestly, I don’t know…As for things I wish…I want to be a better person and improve.

Posted on January 13th, 2020 in Misc by Megan. 10 Comments


As usual not much going on. Had a nice Thanksgiving. Hope everyone else did too!

Right now working away at Christmas shopping. Though mostly set, other then a few gifts.

I really would like to update more. Just…rarely much to write about. But don’t want to give up this place either. No, I’m not closing it! 😛

I mostly write here like in the old days of blogging. Just bout my life. Just always have. Though the few times I’ve had more themed posts, those were fun.

I think part of my issue sometimes is I have a hard time sharing some stuff. Like stuff I mess up and what not, or thoughts I don’t think are great. I get ashamed or embarrassed. I have the same issue with my offline journal. But, I guess it shouldn’t matter. Just write about what I want, as long as I’m not hurting anyone.

Anyway, what would you guys like to see? I won’t definitely take your suggestions for sure, but I will consider them!

Posted on December 3rd, 2019 in Holidays, Misc, Offline, Online, Writing by Megan. 8 Comments
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Name: Megan
Nicknames: Maroon and Maroon Caludin
Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 25th
Age: 38
Occupation: McDonalds employee
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, games, computers, role playing, web design, cartoons, comics, manga/anime, web comics, and animals Read More