I know I hadn’t posted in ages, but I didn’t entirely realize how long. 😅
Well, I’m sorry I haven’t posted for so long. Just hadn’t really felt like it. I honestly haven’t been all that active anywhere online all that much. Partly depression, lack of motivation, and partly health stuff. Been very tired. I’m trying to be more active online though. Regardless, I haven’t given up on this site.
I guess I’ll briefly go over what’s gone on. Mostly just a lot of health related stuff.
My mom was in the hospital a few times. She’s still not great, but better than she was.
As for me still having issues with my bladder/kidneys. Actually had minor surgery so they could send a scope in my bladder. When they put the dye in they found that I guess when I urinate some of the urine goes back up in the kidneys. They have me on some meds for that. If those don’t end up working they’ll try botox shots, and after that surgery to fix that. And besides that I have anemia. My iron was low and I was getting infusions to help with that. Now, my iron is better but still have anemia symptoms. So, they’re trying to find what’s causing it. They want me to see a kidney specialist. We’ll see how it goes.
I’m okay, just often sore and tired.
I guess that’s about it for now.

Hope you’ll feel better with your bladde/kidney.
Was wondering about you thinking you’ve just been busy
Hope your mom will be okay too. I’ll send prayers your way 👏
I readded your link too

Thanks. I updated yours too!

Hi first time visiting your site. Read your post going to pray for you. Hope you start to feel better.. It sucks being sick i hate it. But atleast you know what it is and how to treat it. Hope the meds work and praying for your mom fully recovery.. <3

Aw, thank you so much, that’s so sweet, and very much appreciated!

I’m sorry to hear that your mom was sick. That must be so hard. I know that is coming for me soon as my parents are now close to/already in their 70s!
Good luck with your kidneys! I hope it’s an easy fix and you don’t need to get surgery.

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