Happy Thanksgiving, and burn updates!
First off, a Happy Thanksgiving! 😄 STAY SAFE!
We don’t do big gatherings anymore so the whole Covid-19 situation doesn’t affect it much for us. Its just me, my mom and dad, and sister. And the dogs. They want their dinner too! 🤣
And now updates on my injured paw (hand). 😜
I’ve been back to the doctor since for another follow up. They said it was healing good. I don’t need to keep it wrapped anymore, though she said I might want to when I’m not at home. I don’t have to use that cream anymore either. Just put Aquaphor on it to moisturize it. Also, I’m out of work another week. Oh darn. 🤣
But yeah, its doing good. Doesn’t really hurt anymore. Just itches a lot. And its peeling. Which to someone that likes to pick at stuff is sooo tempting. I’m trying to be good though. 😛
There was one blister that had puffed up before I went back to the doctor. It had a hole so I just put a tissue and got the liquid out. Well, my sister’s silly dog clawed it and ripped the skin there. Its only a small spot, but I guess I should put something on there to prevent any infection. It was an accident though. We had just come home from the doctor that day and she was so excited to see us that she was jumping up and clawing. She gets really upset when people leave. At least it wasn’t the bad area of the burn. 🙂
So yes, I’m doing a lot better. Probably will scare badly, but meh. Long as I have use of my hand I’m good. 🙂
As usual not much going on. Had a nice Thanksgiving. Hope everyone else did too!
Right now working away at Christmas shopping. Though mostly set, other then a few gifts.
I really would like to update more. Just…rarely much to write about. But don’t want to give up this place either. No, I’m not closing it! 😛
I mostly write here like in the old days of blogging. Just bout my life. Just always have. Though the few times I’ve had more themed posts, those were fun.
I think part of my issue sometimes is I have a hard time sharing some stuff. Like stuff I mess up and what not, or thoughts I don’t think are great. I get ashamed or embarrassed. I have the same issue with my offline journal. But, I guess it shouldn’t matter. Just write about what I want, as long as I’m not hurting anyone.
Anyway, what would you guys like to see? I won’t definitely take your suggestions for sure, but I will consider them!