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Some more updates

Why look an update not months and months apart! 🤪

Honestly didn’t feel like writing this but making myself.

Health wise stuff is mostly the same. Still trying to get started on more infusions for my iron and stuff. That has been…an experience and not a good one. Hopefully soon I’ll be able to.

Besides that got tests done on my bladder. I have a tendency to leak and what not so they put me on stronger medication. Dunno if I like it as it causes dry mouth and may have given me thrush which is annoying. If it’s a constant thing I don’t know if I’ll stay on it. My throat is sore too, but I got a lot of congestion right now in my throat and chest and my throat is sore. I think that’s more the weather messing with me. I’ll have to I guess take some liquid cold medicine since it doesn’t seem to be improving. 😩 I hate that crap.

Oh, and the kidney doctor wants me to see a rheumatologist. Didn’t make sense at first since I guess they’re mostly for arthritis. But they also deal with stuff that’s inflammatory and autoimmune stuff. One thing my mom brought up too. When I was in grade school I was in the hospital for a bit. Had these purple spots I believe which they didn’t know what it was. I tests positive for lupus, but then the second test was negative. She said could be that could be doing something since that can attack organs. Not really sure. But maybe that’s what he’s thinking? 🤔

I’m still tired and weak a lot. I ended up cutting back on hours at work cause of it. Just can’t do it anymore. Can barely do the shorter shift some days. Money wise it’s okay. I make like maybe $100 less.

Honestly all the major updates. Haven’t been doing all that much other then working. Been playing a lot of Switch still. Just finished replaying Grandia and Grandia II. May replay Lunar the Silver Star next. We’ll see.

Posted on February 25th, 2024 in Games, Health, Offline, Work by Megan. 0 Comments

Some health updates

Okay. So again been a while. I always mean to update sooner, but either don’t feel like it or time just passes fast. Mostly laziness I guess. But not giving up on here yet. 😀

This will mostly be an update on health junk.

I did see a kidney specialist. Honestly at most I think I was expecting I’d need surgery to fix the fact that when I pee some goes back up in the kidney’s. Definitely was not what I expected.

Apparently my kidney’s aren’t doing well. I’m in stage four kidney disease. 😧 I guess the whole issue with the pee going back in keeps damaging them. He mentioned that if the numbers get to a certain level I may need dialysis. And if it reaches around there I guess he wants me on a transplant list as soon as possible. 🤕 So yeah, totally hadn’t expected that. It’s honestly scary.

And I guess that’s what’s causing my anemia. The one place that suggested I see a kidney specialist, claimed I didn’t need iron infusions anymore, supposedly had a store of it. Funny thing is both my primary and this guy said I do need it. Idiots. This doctor had some blood tests done and my iron is around 9%. So yeah, definitely do need that. 😤 No wonder I’ve been feeling like crud lately. I’m tired all the time, and have a hard time at work since I’m always moving around and on my feet which tires me out fast right now. I’m going to be getting some infusions again. Trying to go through the place I got them before since it might be cheaper, but if they won’t do it (this doctor’s office doesn’t deal with them), I can go through what place this doctor uses. Either way I’ll at least be getting them. I knew when they stopped them I still needed them. 😠 And of course this place has yet to get back to me about it, so they’ll need to be called again.

Also he wants my urologist to do some test on my bladder to see how that is. I was supposed to get it done this last week but we had a big snow storm so that got canceled. They were supposed to call to reschedule, but nope. So they gotta be called too.

This kidney specialist doctor I like though. He looked at literally everything he could and seems very good. Actually seems to know what he’s doing, and wants to go at this more aggressive then the other doctors have been.

It is annoying that it hadn’t been caught before this. Like the thing with the pee going back in the kidney’s that’s something that usually is found when your like a baby and fixed then. Very rarely fixed on people older. Dunno how that was missed. And the iron stuff annoys me especially since literally two different doctors both said I needed it. It never should have gotten so low. 😤

Oh yeah. I have to take vitamin D now too he said.

I guess that’s mostly it. Haven’t been up to much really other then work. Haven’t felt like doing much either. Partly laziness, lack of motivation, and I’m just tired a lot.

Well, that’s all for now.

Posted on January 21st, 2024 in Health, Offline by Megan. 0 Comments


I know I hadn’t posted in ages, but I didn’t entirely realize how long. 😅

Well, I’m sorry I haven’t posted for so long. Just hadn’t really felt like it. I honestly haven’t been all that active anywhere online all that much. Partly depression, lack of motivation, and partly health stuff. Been very tired. I’m trying to be more active online though. Regardless, I haven’t given up on this site.

I guess I’ll briefly go over what’s gone on. Mostly just a lot of health related stuff.

My mom was in the hospital a few times. She’s still not great, but better than she was.

As for me still having issues with my bladder/kidneys. Actually had minor surgery so they could send a scope in my bladder. When they put the dye in they found that I guess when I urinate some of the urine goes back up in the kidneys. They have me on some meds for that. If those don’t end up working they’ll try botox shots, and after that surgery to fix that. And besides that I have anemia. My iron was low and I was getting infusions to help with that. Now, my iron is better but still have anemia symptoms. So, they’re trying to find what’s causing it. They want me to see a kidney specialist. We’ll see how it goes.

I’m okay, just often sore and tired.

I guess that’s about it for now.

Posted on October 16th, 2023 in Family, Health, Offline, Online by Megan. 6 Comments
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Name: Megan
Nicknames: Maroon and Maroon Caludin
Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 25th
Age: 38
Occupation: McDonalds employee
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, games, computers, role playing, web design, cartoons, comics, manga/anime, web comics, and animals Read More