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Look, look! An update that’s not like a month or more later than my last! 🤪

We just got a load of snow (and the first for this year). Actually was a pretty good one as lot of places closed down and there was a driving ban and state of emergency. Granted our area does normally get a lot of snow.

Even McDonalds was considering closing. Normally we close for nothing but the owner first wanted us to go in later, then was going to have us wait till she decided instead. Didn’t matter for me since my dad’s snow blower stopped working so couldn’t get out of the drive way anyway, so couldn’t go. No idea if they ended up closing or not. I mostly slept that day honestly. I was lazy. 😛

Today going to try to be more productive. Still snowed in here, so parents are trying to get someone to plow us out. I do have to go back to work Monday, well as long as we find someone. On the plus though three day weekend! 😄

Right now just joking about online. Will maybe do some stuff after this. I got some cleaning and laundry to do. I gotta wash my bedding since I spilled orange pop on some of it last night. 😭

Oh yeah, my sister’s dog is stuck here too. 🐶 She spent the night before the storm and well…she obviously isn’t able to go home now. She’s a bit confused. As is my dog since usually my sister comes over, but she obviously can’t. My sister’s dog makes a nice heater though. Mine…likes to cuddle but she is a biter. Doesn’t always like if you move. 🤣

Anyway, I guess that’s about it.

Posted on November 19th, 2022 in Animals, Family, Offline, Pets, Work by Megan. 2 Comments

And here I am again

Ugh, again its been a while. Still so bad at this! But I’ve been like that everywhere online. Hard to get back into the habit. Just never feel like doing this stuff. Sometimes I do think bout giving this stuff up then, but I don’t have the heart to yet.

Anyway…I don’t think there’s much to report on. Not anything I feel like anyway.

I did have a doctor appointment a couple weeks ago. I had a test and some blood work done before the appointment and he said my kidney’s seem to be draining a little better. I still go to the bathroom a lot (though it doesn’t seem as often I guess) and I get the pain by the kidney’s still but its mostly manageable. Likely just something I’ll always have to deal with, but at least it did get somewhat better.

More good news is this week I’m off from work for vacation. Not really doing much more of a staycation which they usually are. I have this week off and another in August. It’ll be nice to get some time away from work. I really do hate it…but just something I gotta do.

Today I didn’t do too much. Slept way too late and just finished off my last play through of Chrono Cross: Radical Dreamers Edition. Now, replaying Final Fantasy VII. Was either that or Lunar the Silver Star. Probably after might replay that and the sequel Lunar Eternal Blue.

Well, till next time!

Posted on July 9th, 2022 in Games, Health, Offline, Work by Megan. 16 Comments

Yep, still alive!

Again been a while since I updated.

The small burn I mentioned from last time was just fine by the way. Very minor. No longer allowed to brew the tea. 🤪 I’m quite fine with that.

Mostly the same old. Though did have a scare with my mom. She came down with pneumonia. Though we had no idea it was that to begin with. She seemed just normal sick but then became bed ridden and practically comatose. She had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. I was afraid she had covid or that we were going to lose her… 😭Luckily, it wasn’t the case. She was in there about a week and came home like a week ago. Though she’s still not completely over it. She’s still pretty weak.

They did have aides coming in to check her vitals a few times of week which wasn’t really needed. They didn’t do much for her so she canceled that. Plus the one woman was an idiot. Claimed the birds made her sick. Here’s the thing we’ve had birds like my whole life. So no. 😒

This last week I got my covid shot. Luckily got the Johnson & Johnson so only had to get one shot. 😀 Everyone in the house is now vaccinated now. My parents claimed it didn’t hurt. BULL. That thing hurt and my arm is still sore. Though it is lessening. As far as side effects I was feeling off for a few days. Had a slight fever and threw up a bit and felt sick to my stomach. Granted the stomach isn’t entirely unusual for me. I have issues with UTI and going number two so…yeah. 😅 But not feeling as bad. Though today am a bit dizzy. But the weather keeps flipping and haven’t eaten anything but peaches today so probably it, but rather wait till dinner to eat.

Oh yeah, I went and upgraded my iPhone 7 Plus to an iPhone 11. I got it in purple. Love it! 😍 Kept my old one though and using it as a mini tablet. 😜

I guess that’s about it. Hopefully won’t be as long between updates. 🤪

Posted on April 10th, 2021 in Family, Health, Offline, Technology, Work by Megan. 12 Comments
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Name: Megan
Nicknames: Maroon and Maroon Caludin
Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 25th
Age: 38
Occupation: McDonalds employee
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, reading, games, computers, role playing, web design, cartoons, comics, manga/anime, web comics, and animals Read More