Back to work
Well, I’m back to work. ðĐ Worked Friday and today so far. It went okay I guess. So didn’t miss it. ð
They did cut hours, but that’s okay. Usually this time of year they do. And honestly I could use the break. Plus its annoying cause when I go out I have to wear a bandage while my hand/arm still heals. Just on the wrist/arm area. But it gets so sweaty and today the tape didn’t want to stay. Gonna try some velco tab that came with it instead tomorrow. But literally after I get out I rip it off. ðĪŠ Its sooo annoying.
Not a lot else going on. I spent half the day sleeping. I was so tired. ðī Honestly don’t feel like doing much today. All I really did was laundry. Finally nearly caught up. Had a big pile. ð
Probably should go to bed soon.

Yeah a break can be nice! I actually burnt my hand on the stove today, but it wasn’t so bad, I didn’t have to go to a doctor or anything.

Typically I never burn myself that badly either. This was the first. Hope your burn is okay!

Have a Merry Christmas <3

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hopefully since it’s been about a month since this post your burn is healed/healing. Tegaderm is used here a lot for burns. I use it to hold my Freestyle Libre sensor on but its meant for IV’s and burns. Hope you had a great Christmas and New Year ð

Yep its all good now, thanks! A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Glad you’re back to work. It is that wonderful time of year of cut hours due to restaurant slow season. Covid is making it worse now too. I can just imagine how sweaty it gets and the tape not wanting to stay. I’ve had small burns at work and tried to put burn cream and a Band-Aid on it and it never wanted to stay.

Thanks. Yeah usually happens this time of year. Honestly right now I don’t mind. I’ve never had luck with bandages at work honestly.

I’m with you on the non-sticky bandages. I’ve been having issues with plain old Band-Aids. STICK. DAMN IT. STICK.

Haha yeah I know that feeling. I can never get them to stick at work.
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